Q. What is the club etiquette?
A. Club etiquette isn’t too difficult, it’s all about being considerate to other swimmers, Find out all about our club etiquette guidelines here.
Q. What is reading the pace clock and how do I do it?
A. Find out all about reading the pace clock here.
Q. What is Critical swim speed?
A. Critical Swim Speed (CSS) is the same thing as lactate threshold. The technical distinction is that you measure lactate threshold by taking blood samples during exercise, which is difficult and intrusive to do in a pool environment. Find out more about CCS here.
Q. What is the Tempo Trainer and how do I use it?
A. Find out everything you need to know about using the Tempo Trainer here.
Q. How do I make a booking?
A. Making a booking on our site is super simple. For instructions check out our short video here, or for written instructions click here.
Q. How do I save the booking page to my phone?
A. iPhone instructions:
Open our booking link here in Safari (please note it MUST be Safari for this to work)
Tap the “share” button at the bottom of the page (looks like a square with an arrow)
Choose “add to home screen”
Change the name to something memorable like “Swim Lab” and click “add”
Our bookings page will now appear as an app on your home screen, just tap it once to open our bookings page.
Android instructions:
Open our booking link here in Chrome (please note it MUST be Chrome for this to work)
Tap the “menu” button at the top right of the page (looks like 3 lines)
Choose “add to home screen”
Change the name to something memorable like “Swim Lab” and click “add”
Our bookings page will now appear as an app on your home screen, just tap it once to open our bookings page.